
The following is about Solar Ground Lights related, I hope to help you better understand Ground Lights.

Landsign's solar ground light is made of ABS plastic, stainless steel .The work time are 8-10hours with fully charged.It can be used in multiple venues in Garden ,Lane Square and pathway.

The description of solar ground light:

1.Metal shell deformation and corrosion resistance.

2.Solar panels high photoelectric conversion efficiency.

3.Landsign's solar underground light reinforced pins insert into the ground the light body is not easy to tilt.

4.Soft glue switch key soft rubber waterproof protection switch does not enter water.

Advantages of Solar Ground Lights

1、Easy to be installed in-ground.

2、Solar Ground Lights are also waterproof and have an operating time of 6-10 hours.

3、Intelligent photosensitive system, automatic charging during the day, light up automatically at dark

Installation notice

Do not install the ground light in this situation

1. Glassroom

(sunshine will be blocked by the glass affect charge)

2. Monitor area

(monitor with the infrared ray will affect the light work)

3. Under the shadow

(can not be block with the tree and roof)

4. Short sunshine

(must charge at least 7 hours)

Application Scenarios

· Outdoor garden

· Sidewalk

· Bushes

· Lawns

We have all kinds of different sizes of solar ground lights, using stainless steel plus plastic material material, we support customers to choose different plug electricity.Landsign has always established itself in the market with high quality.

Purchase high-quality manufacturer Solar Ground Lights from China, cheap Deck Lights at Welcome to our company to purchase cheap and low-priced Ground Lights.

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  • Sonkrag buite waterdigte grondlig is gemaak van ABS-plastiek, vlekvrye staal. Die werkstyd is 8-10 uur met ten volle gelaai. Dit kan op verskeie plekke in Garden, Lane Square en paadjie gebruik word.

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  • Ontdek die beste oplossings vir buitebeligting met Ningbo Landsign Electric Appliance Factory se LED Solar Ground Lights Landscape. Hierdie innoverende ligte beskik oor slim ligbeheer wat outomaties gedurende die dag afskakel en snags aan, wat intelligente energiebesparing verseker. As 'n Chinese vervaardiger is ons trots daarop om ekovriendelike opsies te bied wat sonkrag benut, elektrisiteitsrekeninge uitskakel en koolstofvoetspore verminder. Maklik om te installeer sonder ingewikkelde bedrading, hierdie sonkrag-aangedrewe ligte spaar jou tyd en geld, met relatief lae onderhoudskoste. Verlig jou tuin met 'n asemrowende nag-atmosfeer, alles terwyl jy robuuste buitelug waterdigte werkverrigting geniet wat strawwe weerstoestande weerstaan. Kies Ningbo Landsign vir die beste prys en hoë kwaliteit LED Solar Ground Lights Landscape in China.

  • Ontdek die nuutste Solar With Light Solar Vloerlamp van Ningbo Landsign Electric Appliance Factory, die toonaangewende Chinese vervaardiger wat bekend is vir hoëgehalte, eko-vriendelike beligtingsoplossings. Hierdie innoverende vloerlamp benut die krag van die son, skakel elektrisiteitsrekeninge uit en verminder jou koolstofvoetspoor. Met sy maklike installasie—geen ingewikkelde bedrading nodig nie—sal jy tyd en geld bespaar. Die slim ligsensor verseker dat dit outomaties werk, afskakel gedurende daglig en skakel snags aan vir uiteindelike energiedoeltreffendheid. Sy lae instandhoudingskoste en robuuste waterdigte buitelugontwerp maak dit perfek vir strawwe weerstoestande, terwyl sy bekoorlike gloed jou nagtelike atmosfeer verbeter. Verkry die beste prys en hoë gehalte sonkrag met ligte sonvloerlamp direk vanaf ons fabriek in China.

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Latest Solar Light Exhibitions

Ningbo Landsign Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

National Hardware Show (NHS 2025)
Time:March 18TH – 20TH, 2025
Booth No:W1670

Welcome to visit our booth!

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